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주말간 제롬 파월 연준 의장은 'CBS' 방송 '60분'의 인터뷰에 출연했는데요.

결론부터 말씀드리자면, 3월에 진행했던 상·하원, FOMC에서의 보였던

기존 방향에서 크게 엇나가지 않았습니다. 


일단은, 해당 인터뷰 전문 공유드립니다.






Fed Chair Jerome Powell tells 60 Minutes America is going back to work

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell gives his thoughts on how the economy is rebounding from the COVID-19 pandemic. Scott Pelley reports.




'바쁘다 바빠, 현대사회'에 사시는 분들은, 전부 다 읽기 어렵잖아요?

인터뷰에서 건질만한 부분만 추려서 전달드리겠습니다.

*오역이 있더라도 봐주세요. 해석본도 엄청나게 간추려서 제 언어로 풀어낸거다보니..




Scott Pelley: What are your projections for growth and employment?
[성장과 고용에 대한 전망치는?]


Jerome Powell: If you look at what private sector forecasters are saying or what forecasters who sit around this table who are on the Federal Open Market Committee, our rate setting committee, what they're forecasting is growth for this year in the range of 6% or 7%, which would be the highest level in, you know, 30 years. Or even maybe a little bit higher. And forecasting unemployment to move down substantially from 6%, where it is now, maybe to between 4% and 5%.
[성장률 6 - 7%로 예상하고 있고, 이것은 30년내 최고치 수준, 아니면 조금 더 높을 수도? 실업률은 4 - 5%로 전망]

Scott Pelley: Is what's happening in the stock market today in your view rational or is it a speculative bubble?
[주식시장은 합리적입니까? 아니면 거품이 좀 껴있나요?]


Jerome Powell: We look after broader financial stability, which includes a bunch of things. How resilient is the financial system? How much capital? How much liquidity? How much risk management? Does it function in the face of significant shocks? One other piece of it though, we do look at asset prices. And I would say, you know, some asset prices are elevated by some historical metrics. Of course, there are people who think that the stock market is not over-valued, or it wouldn't be at this level. We don't think we have the ability to identify asset bubbles perfectly. So, we focus on, what we focus on is having a strong financial system that's resilient to significant shocks, including if values were to go down.

[버블이 껴있는지 아닌지를 정확하게 분석할 수는 없다. 중요한건, 우리의 금융 시스템이 상당한 충격에 대비할 수 있을 정도로 탄력적이라는 것]


Scott Pelley: What the Fed has done traditionally is use economic models to predict inflation and then raise interest rates, tap the brake if you will, before inflation happens. Is that what you're planning on doing?

[연준은 전통적으로 인플레이션과 금리 상승에 대한 사전 방지 모델을 추구해왔는데, 현재도 그런지?]

Jerome Powell: No, it's not. And really, what we've done is we've updated our understanding of the economy and therefore, our policy framework to the way the economy has evolved. The economy has changed. And what we saw in the last couple of cycles is that inflation never really moved up as unemployment went down. We had 3.5% unemployment, which is a 50-year low for much of the last two years before the pandemic. And inflation didn't really react much. That means that we can afford to wait to see actual inflation appear before we raise interest rates. Now, we don't want inflation to go up materially above 2% and go back to, you know, the bad, old inflation days that we had when you and I were in college back a long time ago. But at the same time, we do have the ability to wait to see real inflation. And that's what we plan on doing.
[3.5% 실업률(거의 최저치)을 달성했을때, 인플레이션 현상 목격되지 않았다. 이 말인 즉슨, 금리를 올리기 전에 인플레이션 상승을 어느정도 용인 할 수 있을 정도로 경제적 틀이 발전해왔음을 시사한다]

*이건 요약하기가 좀 까다로웠는데, traditional economic models을 사용해 사전적으로 금리인상과 인플레이션을 방지하지 않아도 될 정도로 시스템이 발전(he way the economy has evolved)해온 것을 볼 수 있다. 를 말하고 싶어하는 것 같네요.


Scott Pelley: And when it hits 2%, how patient are you going to be?
[물가 상승률(인플레이션)이 2%를 기록한다면, *어떻게 할 건지?]
*how patient의 해석을 어떻게 해야 맞는지 애매하네요.


Jerome Powell: Well, what we said was we want to see inflation move up to 2%. And we mean that on a sustainable basis. We don't mean just tap the base once. But then we'd also like to see it on track to move moderately above 2% for some time. And the reason for that is we want inflation to average 2% over time. And when we get that, that's when we'll raise interest rates.
[물가 상승률이 시간이 지남에 따라 2%로 수렴하기를 바란다, 그렇게 되면 금리 인상을 하게 될 것]



Scott Pelley: So all the way through the end of this year, you wouldn't see rates increasing?
[올해 말에는 금리 인상 힘들겠지?]


Jerome Powell: I think it's highly unlikely we would raise rates anything like this year, no.
Other members of the Fed board don't see a rate increase even in 2022. The board meets in a grand conference room, but Powell has been alone running the meetings online. He's relieved to be vaccinated and hopes to bring the Fed staff back in the fall.
[FED 이사진들 역시 2022년에도 금리 인상은 없을 것으로 보고 있다]


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