



제 투자 포트폴리오 중, 가장 많은 비중을 차지하고 있는 엔비디아의 실적 발표가 있었던 날입니다.



오전 6시 10분 두근두근 하던중, 실적 발표를 보고 "어닝서프라이즈네!" 하고 있었는데 이게 웬걸.. 

갑자기 주가가 떨어져서 좀 어리둥절했는데요.



오늘 엔비디아의 실적 발표와 관련해 실적 전반, 그리고 가이던스에 대해서 한 번 알아보겠습니다.


Q4 Fiscal 2022 Summary
($ in millions, except earnings per share) Q4 FY22 Q3 FY22 Q4 FY21 Q/Q Y/Y
Revenue $7,643 $7,103 $5,003 Up 8% Up 53%
Operating expenses $2,029 $1,960 $1,650 Up 4% Up 23%
Operating income $2,970 $2,671 $1,507 Up 11% Up 97%
Net income $3,003 $2,464 $1,457 Up 22% Up 106%
Diluted earnings per share* $1.18 $0.97 $0.58 Up 22% Up 103%



-Earnings Summary-



매출(Revenue) : $7.64 billion

[시장 예상치 : $7.42 billion 상회]



매출 상세 카테고리



- Gaming -


Fourth-quarter revenue was a record $3.42 billion, up 37 percent from a year ago and up 6 percent from the previous

quarter. Fiscal-year revenue rose 61 percent to a record $12.46 billion.



- Data Center



revenue was a record $3.26 billion, up 71 percent from a year ago and up 11 percent from the previous quarter. 

Fiscal-year revenue rose 58 percent to a record $10.61 billion.



- Professional Visualization


Fourth-quarter revenue was a record $643 million, up 109 percent from a year ago and up 11 percent from

the previous quarter. Fiscal-year revenue rose 100 percent to a record $2.11 billion.



- Automotive and Robotics



Fourth-quarter Automotive revenue was $125 million, down 14 percent from a year ago and down 7 percent

from the previous quarter. Fiscal-year revenue rose 6 percent to $566 million.



당기순이익(Net income) : $3.0 billion [YoY 103%]



주당순이익(EPS) : $1.32

[시장 예상치 : $1.22 상회]


시장 예상치 상회에, 연간 기준(YoY)으로



Revenue : Up 53%
Operating expenses : Up 23%
Operating income : Up 97%
Net income : Up 106%
Diluted earnings per share* : Up 103%




이런 말도 안되는 수치를 기록했는데.. 주가가 기어가는게 좀 희한하네요.

그렇다면 가이던스에 문제가 있었던 걸까요?



-Guidance(Outlook) Summary-



NVIDIA’s outlook for the first quarter of fiscal 2023 is as follows:

Revenue is expected to be $8.10 billion, plus or minus 2 percent.

[다음분기 매출은 81억달러 예상, 이번 분기 매출은 76억 4천만달러 예상]



- 잭슨황 코멘트 -


“We are entering the new year with strong momentum across our businesses and excellent traction with our new 

software business models with NVIDIA AI, NVIDIA Omniverse and NVIDIA DRIVE. GTC is coming.

We will announce many new products, applications and partners for NVIDIA computing,” he said.

[비즈니스 전반에 걸쳐 NVIDIA AI, NVIDIA Omniverse, 그리고 NVIDIA Drive를 통해 새해를 맞이하고 있음]

*영업 잘하고 있다 뭐 이런얘기겠죠.



일단은 오늘 정규장에 들어가봐야 어떻게 될지 판가름이 날 것 같습니다.

아직까지 FOMC 의사록에 대한 정확한 해석과 판단이 잘 안서고 있는 시점이기도 해서..


아무튼, 지금까지 엔비디아의 '역대급' 실적 발표에 대해서 알아봤습니다.



